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Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program

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What is the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program?

The Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program (IMMP) is a national program to collect milkweed, nectar plant, and monarch use data from various land-use types and regions. This information is vital to shaping our understanding of how monarchs interact with their environment, documenting conservation efforts, and tracking the population and its habitat as they change over time. Join 20+ federal and state conservation agencies and hundreds of NGOs and community scientists to support monarch research.

Download the IMMP Overview handout Join the IMMP email list to receive updates Take our Free Training Course

Monitoring Safety

Observing nature is a great way to stay emotionally and physically healthy. Remember to distance yourself from others if you don't feel well and only do what you're comfortable with. If you need to postpone monitoring to keep yourself safe, please do so!

Financial support for this IMMP program comes from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and Monarch Joint Venture.