To make an online donation today, get started here.
About Your Contributions
Your contribution to the Monarch Joint Venture helps conserve monarch butterflies and their extraordinary migration. As a partnership focused on implementing a rigorous conservation plan, we bring all of our varied strengths, tools, and opportunities to the table in a coordinated manner. We work together to enact strategic monarch conservation across the country.
There's more! Monarch habitat supports many other species, including birds and pollinators. Monarch education leads to greater connections with nature and the environment. Monarch community science inspires further conservation action. With your support, our work will continue to provide benefits far and beyond the monarch butterfly.
Below you will find information about many different ways to give to the MJV. Use this link to make an online donation or send a check to: Monarch Joint Venture, 2233 University Ave W., Suite 426, St. Paul, MN 55114. Please feel free to contact us with questions.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a 501(c)(3) tax‐exempt organization. All donations are tax‐deductible to the full extent of the law. MJV federal tax ID: 83-1343107.
Ways to Donate
Monthly Gifts Matching Gifts Sponsorship Securities Future Gifts IRA Charitable Rollover details Memorial DonationsMonthly Gifts
A monthly gift to the MJV helps build a predictable funding source for the Monarch Joint Venture’s conservation efforts. Reliable donor support leads to increased capacity for monarch conservation, such as funding for habitat, research, and education projects. Monthly gifts to the MJV allow you to easily set up a payment schedule to support monarchs in a meaningful way throughout the year.
Once a monthly gift is set up, it will automatically repeat each month, providing a convenient way to spread your contribution over time. You will create a larger impact through your giving by making manageable payments in an amount that's right for you.
You can set up your monthly contribution online safely and securely.
- Visit our donation page and choose "DONATE MONTHLY".
- Select or enter in the amount you want to give each month.
- Complete the payment information using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.
Your first donation will be charged on the day you set up your monthly gift, and then will repeat on that day each month after. For example, if you make your gift on January 1, future charges will be on February 1, March 1, and so on. You will receive an email receipt every time your donation is processed.
Matching Gifts
Many companies offer programs that match charitable contributions from their employees at rates as high as 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1. To find out if your company has a matching gift program, please enter your employer's name using the search link below.
Follow these steps to make a matching gift:
- Make your gift.
- Ask your organization's HR department if they provide matching gifts. You can also look for your employer using this search.
- Follow your organization's instructions for completing a matching gift request.
- Request a matching gift form from your human resources department and send the completed form, including gift information, to the Monarch Joint Venture via email, or mail at Monarch Joint Venture, 2233 University Ave W, Suite 426, St. Paul, MN, 55114.
We accept sponsorship and donations from entities of all sizes whose missions align with our work. If you would like more information about Monarch Joint Venture corporate sponsorship opportunities, please email, to discuss options for your company.
If you are an MJV Partner Organization, please consider an annual sponsorship. To keep the partnership tools accessible to all groups, regardless of size, the MJV does not require annual membership fees. We invite you to consider Annual Partner Sponsorship in lieu of annual fees and in support of the entire partnership. Your annual sponsorship will help propel the MJV and partnership’s priorities, as laid out in the annual Monarch Conservation Implementation Plan. Annual sponsorship from our partners funds the development and curation of partnership-accessible resources, including monarch and conservation curriculum, monitoring data that support our collective goal, programming for webinars and our Annual Partner Meeting, and discrete funding for priority conservation activities. Please download our sponsor form below and return it to us with a check or donate online.
- The MJV accepts financial sponsorship from entities that align with our mission: to protect monarchs and their migration by collaborating with partners to deliver habitat conservation, education, and science across the United States. MJV reserves the right not to accept sponsorship that detracts from our mission.
- As a matter of policy, MJV does not endorse sponsors or their products or services. None of the MJV’s donations represent an explicit or implied endorsement, and our sponsors are asked not to express or imply an endorsement by the Monarch Joint Venture.
- We do not sell, loan, or distribute our mailing list (including e-mail addresses) to anyone!
Stocks, bonds, treasuries, and other securities that have appreciated in value create a great gift opportunity.
Giving appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares held for more than one year can provide an immediate benefit to the Monarch Joint Venture and may be more tax efficient than giving cash.
By making a gift to the MJV using appreciated securities held for more than one year, donors may receive a double tax benefit. They avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation of the donated asset. They may claim an immediate deduction for the current fair market value of the property—up to 30 percent of adjusted gross income.
Any unclaimed portion of the deduction may be carried forward for up to five additional years, subject to the same annual limit. Because the donated property is appreciated, the benefit of the gift to the MJV may be considerably greater than its original cost to the donor.
To donate this way, talk to your broker about the securities you’d like to give or discuss the value of the securities you’d like to donate. Work with your broker to identify what securities or set of securities approximates that value and your process for giving.
With questions for the MJV, or to inform us of a planned gift, contact the Development Manager at
Information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For information on how any gift may affect your tax situation, please consult with your own professional advisor.
Future Gifts
IRA Charitable Rollover details
The now permanently extended IRA Charitable Rollover law allows individuals 70½ or older to give up to $100,000 directly from their IRA to one or more qualified charities without paying federal income tax on the withdrawal. Donors who wish to make a gift to the Monarch Joint Venture may choose to make a qualified charitable distribution from their IRA.
- Donors must be age 70½ or older at the time the gift is made.
- Only traditional IRAs are eligible. However, owners of other types of qualified plans may roll assets into a new IRA to allow them to make gifts if such a rollover is otherwise permitted. Donors should consult with their advisor before doing so.
- Donors must ask their plan administrator to make a direct transfer of funds to a qualified public charity. It is important not to withdraw funds before making a gift.
- Gifts cannot be used to fund a gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.
- Each donor may give up to $100,000 per year. For couples, each spouse may give up to $100,000 from their IRA.
- Distributions made under this law can be used to satisfy the donor’s required minimum distribution (RMD). However, qualified charitable distributions are not limited to the donor’s RMD.
- Donors can choose to exclude the distribution from income on their federal tax return. If they do, they will not receive a charitable income tax deduction.
- To qualify for tax-free treatment, donors cannot receive goods, services, or a personal benefit (such as tickets for events) in return for the IRA charitable rollover gift.
To make a gift to the MJV from an IRA, contact your IRA plan administrator and request a direct qualified charitable distribution from the IRA account to the Monarch Joint Venture, a 501(c)(3) organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 83-1343107.
Mail the check to:
Monarch Joint Venture, Attn: Wendy Caldwell
2233 University Ave, Suite 426
St. Paul, MN 55114
Please contact the Development Manager at to inform us of your gift or with any questions.
Information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For information on how any gift may affect your tax situation, please consult with your own professional advisor
Memorial Donations
If you'd like to make a monthly or one-time donation in honor or in memory of someone, simply fill in the questions on the second page of the online giving form. Establishing a memorial fund can be a lasting way to ensure your loved one's legacy. Please contact the Development Coordinator at to find out more about establishing a memorial fund. Generous donors of the Ron Grant Memorial Fund have raised over $15,000 for monarch conservation to make additional gifts in memory of Ron Grant, donate here.