Through scientific research and monitoring, we can better understand North American monarch population trends and the many factors influencing their decline. MJV staff coordinate two monarch monitoring programs, the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program and the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project. They also conduct additional primary research projects (often utilizing these protocols), maintain a library of monarch literature, and synthesize the latest science pertaining to monarchs and their habitat. In turn, these data and results directly inform MJV's conservation work as well as the collective actions of our partner network.
Monarch Research
Learn about the latest research on monarchs and habitat conservation here, including recent MJV projects.
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program
The IMMP is a national program to collect milkweed, flowering plant, and monarch use data from a variety of land-use types and regions. This information is vital to shaping our understanding of monarchs, their habitats, and conservation effectiveness.
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
The Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP) is a citizen science effort to track monarch eggs and larvae across North America during the breeding season. Volunteers have been reporting data on monarch and milkweed density since 1997.
Remote Sensing
Learn about the MJV's remote sensing program, including how to get involved.
Roadside Habitat for Monarchs
The Monarch Joint Venture has developed a set of tools for transportation managers who want to enhance, maintain, and/or evaluate monarch habitat in roadside corridors.
Pollinator Habitat and a Changing Climate: Long-Term Monitoring on BLM Lands
This project improves our understanding of western monarchs, informing land management and pollinator conservation. It emphasizes the importance of public lands for monarchs and other species.