It will take widespread participation and collaboration among all sectors to reach our nation’s monarch conservation targets and preserve the monarch migration for generations to come. Through the Partnership Program, Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) connects with organizations and facilitates connections among them to share knowledge and collaborate on impactful monarch and pollinator conservation efforts. At the heart of this program is the MJV Partner Network, which provides a framework to support and coordinate these collective actions.
The actions of the MJV and partners revolve around our Monarch Conservation Implementation Framework, which is updated each year. Learn what conservation, research, monitoring, or education projects MJV partners are engaging in to address the priorities in the Implementation Framework in our Partner Project section. The partner projects that MJV has funded or contributed to are listed in the MJV Funded Projects Section.
How can your organization get involved?
MJV collaborates with a wide range of organizations, offering support on a variety of different aspects of monarch and pollinator conservation. Some organizations engage with us informally, while others become part of the MJV Partner Network. If your organization is looking to deepen its involvement, benefit from partnership perks, and is ready to commit to the basic requirements and expectations of partnership, we’d love to get to know you. For more details on the Network, and partnership perks and requirements, check out the MJV Partner Network page.
To explore opportunities and discuss if partnership is the right fit for your organization, please reach out to us at