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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

MonarchNet News, November 2015

Nov 10, 2015

Read the November MonarchNet News update to learn about the new monarch citizen science website, citizen science updates, national monarch updates and more. Read More

Milkweed Sampling for Monarchs: Pilot Project

Oct 20, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

The MJV, USGS, and the Dept. of the Interior’s 21st Century Conservation Service Corps have launched a pilot effort to collect key information on milkweed densities on and near public lands to help inform national strategies for milkweed restoration. Read More

MJV Welcomes the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Oct 12, 2015


  • MJV Partnership News

Join us in welcoming the Minnesota DNR as a new partner! Partnership with the MJV will help the DNR integrate monarch and pollinator-friendly, science-based conservation strategies into their habitat management plans and promote education across the state. Read More

Victory for Monarchs in California!

Oct 09, 2015


  • Conservation Stories

A new law in California allows the state to take action to conserve and protect monarchs. Congratulations to western monarchs, and the conservationists working hard to protect them! Read More

Three Ways to Help Monarchs this Fall

Oct 06, 2015


  • Community Science
  • Conservation Stories

With autumn setting in the monarchs are heading south for the winter, but our work in isn’t over! Fall can be a great time to engage in monarch conservation efforts. How? Here are three ways to get involved. Read More