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Monarch Joint Venture Blog

Missourians for Monarchs and the Monarch Joint Venture

Dec 20, 2016


  • MJV Partnership News

Missouri is the “Show-Me State," but rather than being shown, Missourians have been paving the way for state monarch and pollinator conservation planning efforts. Read More

New MJV Handouts

Dec 15, 2016


  • MJV Partnership News

The Monarch Joint Venture has just released two new informational resources in our monarch conservation handout series! Find out about Monarch and Milkweed Misconceptions, and Monarch Conservation: How to Get Involved. Read More

MJV Announces 2017 Monarch Conservation Implementation Plan

Dec 12, 2016


  • MJV Partnership News

This plan identifies and prioritizes current important actions for U.S. monarch conservation to facilitate cooperation and coordination among diverse organizations working together in accomplishing our nation’s monarch and pollinator goals. Read More

This just in – Inaugural MJV T-shirts and Water Bottles!

Dec 08, 2016


  • MJV Partnership News

We have a great new t-shirt and MJV water bottle available for sale, which can be ordered through the University of Minnesota Monarch Lab’s Store just in time for the holidays! Read More

To Save Monarchs, We Need More Than Milkweed

Dec 07, 2016


  • Conservation Stories
  • MJV Partnership News

The message is out: Monarchs are in decline across North America. The national call to action has focused primarily on planting milkweeds, but monarchs need more than milkweed to support them throughout the year. Adult monarchs need nectar to fuel them! Read More