Webinar Archive

The MJV works to assemble a series of webinars focusing on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation. To register for and see a list of our upcoming webinars, go to our events page. The webinars will be recorded and available for viewing after each is completed. The following webinars were recorded and available for viewing. Past webinars (before 2024) are also available on the NCTC website here. Please reach out to learn@monarchjointventure.org with questions.
Creating Habitat
The Butterfly (and Bumble Bee) Effect | Voluntary Conservation for At-Risk SpeciesFebruary 2, 2025Caroline Hernandez, Sustainable Landscapes Program, University of Illinois Chicago; Catherine O’Reilly, Sustainable Landscapes Program, University of Illinois Chicago
Monarch Butterfly Conservation on DoD LandsJanuary 1, 2025Stephanie Hertz, Department of Defense; Mercy Manzanares, Monarch Joint Venture; Dejeanne May, Environment for the Americas
Container Gardening with Keystone PlantsMay 5, 2024Krista De Cooke, Homegrown National Park
Planning Small-Scale Native Pollinators HabitatMarch 3, 2023Jennifer Ehlert, Metro Blooms; Jacqueline Nguyen, Metro Blooms; Amanda Barth, Utah State University
Can We Grow Crops and Monarchs? Risks and Benefits of Monarch Habitat in Agricultural LandscapesJune 6, 2022Steven Bradbury, Iowa State University; Niranjana Krishnan, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Roadsides as Habitat for Monarchs: A Great Opportunity or a Salty Death Trap?March 3, 2022Dr. Emilie Snell-Rood, University of Minnesota
Tribal Alliance for Pollinators: An Innovative Model for Conservation CollaborationFebruary 2, 2022Jane Breckenridge, Tribal Alliance for Pollinators Co-director; Brandon Gibson, Tribal Alliance for Pollinators Program Coordinator
Protecting and Restoring California’s Overwintering GrovesSeptember 9, 2021Emma Pelton, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Conserving Grasslands for Birds and MonarchsAugust 8, 2021Drew Larsen, Pheasants Forever Quail Forever; Kelly VanBeek, USFWS
Reinstalling Native Pollinator Habitat on Private Property in the WestJune 6, 2021Amanda Barth, Utah Department of Natural Resources | Western Monarch Working Group; Ann-Marie Benz, California Native Plant Society
Monarchs, Milkweed and Grassland DisturbanceMarch 3, 2021Nathan Haan, Michigan State University
Evaluation of Canopy Structure, Light and Wind in California’s Monarch Groves from Below and AboveJanuary 1, 2021Dr. Stu Weiss, Creekside Science
Farmers for Monarchs - Creating Pollinator Habitat: Maximizing benefit to the land and landownerNovember 11, 2020Kiley Friedrich, Monarch Joint Venture; Dallas Glazik, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever; Brandon Hunicutt, Nebraska Farmer/National Corn Growers Association Board Member
Lawns to Legumes: Policy in Place to Help PollinatorsSeptember 9, 2020Rick Hansen, MN State Representative; Dan Shaw, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources; Tara Perriello, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources
Best Management Practices for Monarchs and Other Pollinators on RangelandsAugust 8, 2020Ray Moranz, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Stephanie McKnight, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Research Reports from the Field: Monarch Habitat in the USJuly 7, 2020John Pleasants, University of Iowa; Laura Lukens, Monarch Joint Venture; Kyle Kasten, Monarch Joint Venture
Out West: Western Monarch Conservation Efforts - Breeding and Migratory HabitatJuly 7, 2020Amanda Barth, Utah Department of Natural Resources | Western Monarch Working Group; Emma Pelton, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation; Tom Dilts, University of Nevada - Reno; Elizabeth Crone, Tufts University
Monarchs in the RoughFebruary 2, 2020Marcus Gray, Audubon International
Lessons from Roadside Management for MonarchsOctober 10, 2019Alison Cariveau, Monarch Joint Venture
How to Plant for Success: the Trials and Triumphs of Establishing Pollinator HabitatJuly 7, 2019Josh Divan, Pheasants Forever; Peter Berthelsen, Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund; Jonathan Geurts, Keystone Policy Center
Why Pollinator Habitat Makes Sense on Your LandMay 5, 2019Jonathan Geurts, Keystone Policy Center; Wayne Fredericks, American Soybean Association; Seth Appelgate, Iowa State University Monarch Research Team; Jennifer Prenosil, Pheasants Forever
Meadow Establishment in the EastJuly 7, 2018Larry Weaner, Larry Weaner Landscape Associates; Ann Aldrich, Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy
Milkweed Seed CollectionJune 6, 2018Hal Mann, Wild Ones Oak Openings Chapter; Bob Huffman, Prairie Restorations Inc.; Dena Podrebarac, Monarch Watch; Angie Babbit, Monarch Watch
The Three Pillars of High Quality Pollinator Habitat ManagementJuly 7, 2017Peter Berthelsen, The Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund
Designing and Creating Outdoor Signs for Monarch Waystations and Pollinator GardensFebruary 2, 2017Rich Dolesh, National Recreation and Park Association; Angie Edwards, Fossil Industries; Pete Carroll, MD Nat'l Capital Park & Planning commission, Prince George's County Maryland
Designing Seed Mixes for Native HabitatFebruary 2, 2017Justin Meissen, Tallgrass Prairie Center Research and Restoration Program
Monarch Conservation Planning ToolsDecember 12, 2016Jason Rohweder, US Geological Survey; Holly Holt, Monarch Joint Venture
Growing Milkweed for Monarch ConservationMarch 3, 2016Chip Taylor, Monarch Watch
Monarch Gardens and Community ActionAugust 8, 2015Donna VanBuecken, Wild Ones; Mary Phillips, National Wildlife Federation; Patrick Fitzgerald, National Wildlife Federation
Enhancing existing landscapes for monarchs and native pollinators: techniques and case studiesApril 4, 2015Greg Hoch, MN DNR; Laura Jackson and Kristine Nemec, Tallgrass Prairie Center; Mary Byrne and Vicki Wojcik, Pollinator Partnership; Angie Babbit, Monarch Watch
Habitat Restoration Fundamentals: Time-tested approaches and new advancementsFebruary 2, 2015Eric Lee-Mäder, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation