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MJV Partner Network

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What is the MJV Partner Network?

The MJV Partner Network is a U.S. based network of over 130 federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and academic programs working towards a common goal of protecting the monarch migration across the monarch range. These partners engage in a variety of activities, from habitat conservation and community engagement to education and policy advocacy, all focused on conserving monarchs and pollinators.

As the leaders of this diverse network, our objectives are to facilitate connections across organizations, provide tools, foster a space for shared knowledge and resources, and cultivate collaboration. We believe that authentic, supportive, and mutually respectful engagement with stakeholders from across North America leads to effective, scalable and sustainable solutions.

When the MJV was founded, it was designed based on the successful model of bird joint ventures, but relying more heavily on voluntary conservation actions and collaboration. After its existence within the University of Minnesota from 2008-2018, MJV became a standalone nonprofit in 2018, with staff leading conservation efforts through research, education programs, and habitat conservation initiatives. While we have grown and evolved, the partner network remains a vital part of our work, and we continue to facilitate and expand this collaborative network. By harnessing the collective wisdom, skills, and experiences of individuals and organizations, we are proud to lead and serve an incredible network dedicated to our collective conservation mission.

Why We Value Diversity in Our Partner Network

We believe that by uniting diverse organizations with a shared goal, we can have a stronger collective impact on monarch conservation. Achieving national conservation targets requires widespread collaboration across sectors, with an “all hands on deck” approach that brings together varied perspectives and communities from across North America. By prioritizing diversity in our partnerships, we can more effectively address complex conservation challenges, reach underserved communities, and foster innovative approaches.

A diverse network helps us engage a broader range of communities, ensuring our work is both impactful and inclusive. Collaborating with individuals and organizations from varied backgrounds and perspectives fosters innovative thinking and meaningful dialogue, allowing us to address conservation challenges more effectively. This diversity helps identify gaps, develop creative solutions, and ensure our efforts resonate with and benefit a wider audience.

Respecting Differences in Opinion

With diversity comes a range of perspectives, and we view this as a strength rather than a challenge. While differences in approach or priorities can sometimes lead to tension, we believe that creating space for dialogue and collaboration is essential in making meaningful progress. If we exclude key players, such as those in industries whose actions directly impact pollinators, we miss the opportunity to help them align their sustainability efforts with our community goals and priorities. While we may not agree on everything, having diverse voices at the table allows for a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to monarch conservation.

Partners in this network are not expected to endorse or agree with every stance taken by others. Each organization brings its own perspective and capacity, and we respect these independent contributions. We encourage open dialogue and respect in situations of disagreement, as differing perspectives are a natural part of any collaborative network. Our goal is to foster a collaborative community where partners can contribute in ways that align with their expertise and resources, supporting one another regardless of the depth of their involvement.

Monarchs and More

While the focus of many partners in our network is monarch conservation, we also welcome partners whose work may not center specifically on monarchs. The mutual benefits and significant overlap between monarch conservation and broader environmental efforts, including other pollinators and grassland wildlife, create opportunities for collaboration across various fields. Monarchs serve as a flagship species, but the work of our partners supports a wide range of wildlife, habitats, and sustainability initiatives. The collaborations in our network not only benefit monarch butterflies but also support broader ecosystem health and resilience.

How can your organization get involved?

MJV collaborates with a wide range of organizations, offering support on a variety of different aspects of monarch and pollinator conservation. Some organizations engage with us informally, while others become part of the MJV Partner Network. If your organization is looking to deepen its involvement, benefit from partner perks, and is ready to commit to the basic requirements and expectations of partnership, we’d love to get to know you. 

To explore opportunities and discuss if partnership is the right fit for your organization, please reach out to us at

For the details on perks and requirements of being an MJV Partner, download the MJV Partner Network Information document: 

MJV Partner Network Information

Partnership Resources Available to All

We’re happy to connect and collaborate with anyone working on monarch and pollinator conservation, regardless of official partnership status. In addition to the exclusive benefits available to MJV Partners, we also offer a variety of resources and opportunities that are open to professionals, organizations, and individuals involved in monarch conservation:

  • Annual in-person partner meeting open to all professionals engaged in monarch and pollinator conservation efforts

  • The Monarch Conservation Implementation Framework, a regularly updated resource designed to provide direction for monarch conservation work

  • The Monarch Conservation Pledge, something MJV Partners complete annually, and other individuals or entities implementing or funding monarch conservation activities may also utilize as a guide for their high-level actions

  • The MJV Stakeholder Listserv as a way to stay informed by receiving and sharing relevant updates and opportunities