Where can I get milkweed seeds or plants that are most appropriate for my area?
Our web page, www.plantmilkweed.org, has many great resources and tips for locating native milkweed seeds and plugs across the U.S. The Xerces Society's Milkweed Seed Finder and Monarch Watch Milkweed Market provide a directory of vendors that distribute native milkweed seeds and/or plugs. In addition, the Milkweed Market offers trays of native milkweed plugs for purchase for different regions of the country (regional availability varies). We recommend using native milkweeds in all gardening or restoration projects. The commercial availability of native milkweed seeds or plants can be limited (varies by region), so to help build this market (increasing availability and driving down cost) we strongly encourage your support of the commercial market through purchasing native plant materials from a local native plant or seed producer.