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Donate to Support Ian Nelson's Documentary

Ian Nelson PG Monarch Sanctuary Winter2022 v5 00 02 52 17 Still013

Ian Nelson, a filmmaker from Santa Rosa, California, is creating a documentary titled "Western Monarch Butterflies: Protecting Our Pollinators," and he needs your support to bring this important project to life. Your donation will play an essential role in the production of this film, which focuses on the conservation and restoration of habitats for western monarch butterflies and other native pollinators.

Why Your Donation Matters:

This documentary will follow the multi-generational annual life cycle of western monarch butterflies along their migration route throughout California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. It will showcase the efforts of various organizations, land stewards, and community members dedicated to this cause. By supporting this project, you'll be contributing to the conservation of not only monarchs but also other vital pollinators.

Fundraising Goals:

  • July - Aug: $30,000 for production 

  • Sept - Oct: $15,000 for production 

  • Nov - Dec: $30,000 for post-production 

Support the Documentary

About Ian Nelson:

Ian Anthony Nelson is a filmmaker from Santa Rosa, California. Observing and learning about wildlife in their natural habitats has been a lifelong pursuit. Ian has worked with organizations including American Bird Conservancy, Kaua’i Endangered Seabird Recovery Project, Pacific Rim Conservantion, Bay Nature, Golden Gate Audubon Society and others on short video projects. Working in association with environmental and wildlife organizations has allowed Ian to promote global awareness of the many ecosystems and life forms on this planet and the efforts to protect and preserve the environment.

Learn more about Ian's work: Ian Nelson's Projects

Partnership with Monarch Joint Venture:

The Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) is assisting Ian Nelson by providing resources and connecting him with monarch conservationists. MJV is also acting as a reviewer and helping with fundraising efforts.