This past April, Monarch Joint Venture partner Wild Ones launched their Wild for Monarchs campaign to help conserve the monarch butterfly migration. This campaign is very important to the continuation of the best known insect migration in the world. Wild Ones Chapters and members are meeting with organizations and community members to promote such milkweed basics as how to clean, grow and collect milkweed, and to inform everyone about the current plight of the monarchs. Chapters are displaying monarch posters and handing out flyers at spring gardening events, sustainability fairs, and speaker presentations. They will also be promoting Wild for Monarchs through their plant sales and workshops. Their new PowerPoint has been described as awesome and their new brochure as fantastic! For more information about the materials available through the WFM campaign, go to http://www.wildones.org/learn/wild-for-monarchs/ or to see what people are saying about the campaign or how they are using the materials, go to the blog postings at http://www.wildones.org/category/wild-for-monarchs/. Don’t hesitate to request a copy of the flyer at admin@wildones.org or to find out if we have someone in your area who would be available to give a speaker presentation.