Fort Worth Botanic Garden (FWBG) is the oldest botanic garden in Texas and has been supporting monarch butterflies and their conservation for more than ten years. As a conservation education leader, it’s no surprise that FWBG’s monarch education efforts reach over 20,000 adults and children annually. The MJV is excited to welcome FWBG as our newest partner and to support monarch conservation in North Central Texas!
“Fort Worth is an important stop for monarch butterflies during the fall migration as well as the journey north,” Said Gail Manning, Fort Worth Botanic Garden Entomologist (pictured above). “The Fort Worth Botanic Garden offers opportunities for people to see monarchs, learn about conservation, and participate in activities.”
FWBG provides students, adults, and families with education on the monarch life cycle, butterfly and pollinator gardening, and citizen science. They host tagging events, maintain various monarch habitats, monitor a MLMP site, host monarch events, and provide presentations to the greater community. To extend their reach, FWBG is partnering with the Native Plant Society of Texas to train volunteers on giving monarch presentations.
“FWBG’s involvement with the Fort Worth community and connections with multiple local organizations make them an excellent fit for the partnership and an asset to monarch conservation!” says Wendy Caldwell, MJV coordinator.
Fort Worth Botanic Garden is open year round and hosts a variety of events. To find out more about FWBG and their programs, visit their website.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo provided by FWBG.