We at MJV know this is a difficult time for many reasons. Whether you are an essential worker (thank you!), a teacher, a parent, a volunteer, or another crucial part of our society, everyone is facing new challenges and needing to adapt to this new normal. MJV remains committed to our mission of conserving the monarch migration in these times of social distancing and COVID-19.
Our education coordinator, with the help of many of our partners, has curated some resources for teachers and parents on monarch butterflies (and other pollinators). These range from curriculum lessons to videos to activities you can do at home. Find them all on this NEW resources page on the Monarch Joint Venture website, specifically for education. This page will continue to be updated as new resources become available, so keep checking back for more!
Here are some tips on how you can continue to help monarchs while still practicing safe social distancing:
- Plant milkweed and nectar plants! If you are able to do this in your yard, or in a pot on your balcony or patio, every bit of habitat helps support monarchs! To find milkweed, visit the Milkweed Seed Finder tool from The Xerces Society, order plugs from the Monarch Watch Milkweed Market, and check out Plantmilkweed.org for tips on getting started.
- Learn more! In addition to the resources page, MJV has dozens of recorded webinars you can watch archived on our website from our Monthly MJV/NCTC Monarch Conservation Webinar Series. You can also sign up for future webinars on our events page. Webinars are the 4th Tuesday of the month at 2PM Eastern.
- Contribute to Science! There are many community science programs you can participate in while social distancing outdoors. Many participate from their own backyards! Check out the different opportunities on the Citizen Science page of our website. This is also a great way to enjoy the outdoors!
- Donate! Become a part of our work to conserve monarchs and make a donation to MJV. Consider being a sustaining supporter of our work with a monthly donation. Donations support our education, science, and habitat programs.
Thank you for your continued support of MJV and all that you do for monarchs. Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe!
From everyone at MJV