The monarch butterfly is one of the most recognizable species in North America and has long been a fascination of both researchers and the general public. Their amazing migration across three countries inspired citizen scientists to tag, track and observe this endearing insect for decades.
Now that monarch populations have dramatically declined and are being evaluated for listing under the Endangered Species Act (decision to be made in December 2020), even more people want to help. From citizen science to planting habitat, there is something for everyone to do. Monarchs are a charismatic insect which make them ideal for rallying around in conservation efforts. They also make a great focal point for local events and festivals that motivate people to take action. The Monarch Joint Venture is pleased to release “Monarch Festival Planning: A Guide for Everyone” to help communities create their own monarch festivals.
If your organization or community is interested in holding a monarch event or festival, this guide will help you on your way. The guide contains a plethora of information on how to put on a monarch- themed event (small or large) in your community. We have tried to include everything you will need, but in the event that we have missed something, we include a list of resources and people you can get in touch with from all over North America to help you fill in the blanks.
Monarch butterflies bring people together from Canada, the United States and Mexico; they can bring people together in your community too!
This document was put together by an Ad Hoc committee of Monarch Joint Venture partners and is available for public use. Please share with your friends and networks that may be interested.

Katie-Lyn Puffer - Monarch Joint Venture
Susan Meyers - Monarchs Across Georgia
Sarah Weaver - Program Coordinator, Como Planetarium, St. Paul Public Schools
With input from various partners and organizations listed inside the front cover. Thank you to everyone who helped create this guide!
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo by Katie-Lyn Puffer.