The Monarch Joint Venture is proud to announce the addition of the Pollinator Protection Fund of Laguna Beach to the partnership! A 501(c)(3), The Pollinator Protection Fund of Laguna Beach (PPFLB) is working diligently in southern California to help preserve, protect, rehabilitate and create monarch butterfly habitat in their community. Not only are they committed to being advocates for the monarch butterfly, but they are also actively getting their hands dirty in the name of monarch conservation in the West.
PPFLB is leading a grassroots effort in their community, presenting to city council members, local organizations, and the public to raise awareness of the need for increased pollinator habitat. They are currently working on the creation of a 200 square foot monarch butterfly garden in Heisler Park, Laguna Beach. Their efforts are already gaining traction in the community and they will be expanding their butterfly gardens in parks and other areas across Laguna Beach. Recognizing that education plays an essential role in monarch conservation, the group is creating educational signage to place in their community gardens, capturing the attention of and inspiring those who enjoy the gardens to understand the importance of pollinators.
With western monarch populations in decline, healthy habitat combined with educational opportunities in coastal California communities is imperative. We are excited to partner with the Pollinator Protection Fund of Laguna Beach to increase habitat, awareness, and action for monarchs and other pollinators in southern California. To learn more about the Pollinator Protection Fund of Laguna Beach, visit https://www.pollinatorfund.org/
The Monarch Joint Venture is a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners.