News Release Contacts:
Chris Stein, National Parks Service, (402) 881-1387
Ellen Schillace, UMN Student (612) 834-1500
If pollinators could smile, they’d be smiling today and this Earth Day.
On Friday, April 19th, more than a dozen prominent environmental organizations gathered at the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization in Northeast Minneapolis to sign the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership, a major collaboration between multiple organizations that have a stake in protecting the Mississippi River’s natural environment.
To help kick-off this important signing event, the National Park Service welcomed the other signers and an audience of pollinator supporters. Master of Ceremonies, Park Ranger Chris Stein, told those assembled how important it is for leaders up and down the River to pledge their support for insect pollinators…responsible for much of the food we eat. Stein said, “If you like to eat, you should support pollinators. If you have the ability to help create pollinator habitat, please do so. Earlier this week at the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area in Louisiana, the Executive Director there signed this same document….showing the interconnectedness of all of us who live along the River.”
The groups that signed this Operation Pollination Partnership agree that “pollinator loss” is a major environmental concern for our planet’s future health. In turn, these groups support local organizations and residents pledging to take action to help make the world a better place for our children and their children.
While science tells us that insect pollinators are responsible for the reproductive success of more than 85% of the plants on the planet, in just the past 50 years, more than 40% of pollinators on Earth have disappeared.
The groups that signed the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership are:
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- National Park Service
- The Mississippi River Parkway Commission
- Rotary International, District 5950
- ESRAG (Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group)
- University of Minnesota (Art Department)
- Mississippi Watershed Management Organization
- Monarch Joint Venture
- Operation Pollination
- MN Board of Water and Soil Resources
And electronically signed by:
- Xerces Society
- Pollinator Partnership
- Pollinator Friendly Alliance
- Homegrown National Park
- Minnesota Watersheds
- UMN Entomology Department
- Mayor, Columbia Heights. MN
- River Advocate and Rotarian Roz Schnick (visionary of the Mississippi River Operation Pollination Partnership)
If your organization would like to pledge support for this important River-wide pollinator protection effort, please visit https://esrag.org/operation-po... and sign the Resolution and/or Pledge. If you are a resident (not associated with an organization), you, too, can help. Please use the power of your yard to plant pollinator habitat. Every bit helps! Additional signings will be planned in other states in the coming months.