The MJV partnership is enthusiastic in welcoming Journey North as the newest member of our monarch conservation team! Since 1994, Journey North has been a central player in monarch environmental education and citizen science efforts and we are excited about the extensive experience that they will bring to the MJV.
Journey North participants contribute backyard sightings of monarchs and track the migration continent-wide in real-time. For 10 months of the year, they publish weekly Monarch Migration Updates that summarize the status of spring and fall migration, and provide news from the overwintering region in Mexico. Collectively, participants convey what’s happening “right now” across our continent in a collaborative way. In addition to citizen science activities, the Journey North website provides a rich array of educational resources, images, video clips, articles, activities, and lesson plans. Now in its 21st year, Journey North has 57,000 registered sites and is widely known for its long-standing and enduring commitment to monarch conservation through these varied efforts.
In addition, Journey North engages citizen scientists to help track the migration through Mexico by collaborating with the Correo Real program and project director, Rocio Trevino. They also call upon Estela Romero of Michoacan to provide weekly monarch reports from the overwintering colonies and to deliver Journey North’s Symbolic Migration project to 1800 children in 90 classrooms surrounding the monarch reserves.
As a partner of the MJV, Journey North will work collaboratively with other partners to help extend monarch conservation through citizen science monitoring, education, and outreach efforts. For more information, visit the Journey North website at: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/monarch/
Make sure to follow the monarchs on their northward migration by visiting the Journey North interactive map!