The Monarch Joint Venture and its partners organized a meeting for over 150 monarch conservationists, monarch scientists, citizen scientists, and land managers, who attended the Monarch Biology and Conservation meeting in June 2012 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. There they shared research findings, conservation and education efforts, and fostered collaboration and information sharing between individuals, organizations, and between countries. This united front then came together under the direction of co-editors Karen Oberhauser, Kelly Nail, and Sonia Altizer to organize these findings, many of which were presented on at the June 2012 meeting, into a book. Therefore, we are excited to promote that Monarchs in a Changing World: Biology and Conservation of an Iconic Butterfly is now available for purchase! Orders can be placed online through Cornell University Press here, or, use this order form and promotion code to receive a discount on your book order!
From the cover of the book:
"To meet the demand for a timely synthesis of monarch biology, conservation, and outreach, Monarchs in a Changing World summarizes recent developments in scientific research, highlights challenges and responses to threats to monarch conservation, and showcases the many ways that monarchs are used in citizen science programs, outreach, and education. It examines issues pertaining to the eastern and western North American migratory populations, as well as to monarchs in South America, the Pacific and Caribbean Islands, and Europe. The target audience includes entomologists, population biologists, conservation policymakers, and K-12 teachers."