We are excited to share that Farmers for Monarchs has joined the partnership! Farmers for Monarchs collaborative is an initiative of the Keystone Policy Center, consisting of national organizations representing farmers, ranchers, and land owners, businesses working along the agricultural supply chain, researchers and academic institutions, federal and state entities, and conservation organizations. Farmers for Monarchs supports productive agriculture and livestock operations in concert with monarch conservation, believing that an increase in milkweed and nectar plants appropriately placed in rural areas can benefit monarchs in alignment with farm operations.
Founded in 2015, Farmers for Monarchs (FFM) leads ongoing efforts to develop collaborative strategies to promote and implement actions that will support monarchs in agricultural landscapes. Because farmers and ranchers are stewards of the land across much of monarch habitat, they are in a unique position to support sustainable monarch populations. FFM is committed to making progress through voluntary efforts to restore, enhance, and protect monarch habitat while maintaining producers’ flexibility in their operations. FFM identifies how partnerships in the farming and ranching community can support and enhance habitat for a sustainable monarch population. In May 2018, FFM and the Honey Bee Health Coalition submitted recommendations for enhancing honey bee, monarch butterfly, and pollinator habitat and forage to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The MJV acknowledges the need for an all-hands-on-deck approach to monarch and pollinator conservation and facilitates the connection between conservation professionals and the agricultural sector to create stronger programs. FFM brings an understanding of the opportunities and challenges of adding habitat to working lands and an opportunity to expand the community of farmers committed to supporting monarch conservation. After many years of working collaboratively with FFM, we’re excited to officially welcome them to the partnership! For more information about Farmers for Monarchs, please visit https://farmersformonarchs.org/.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners.
Photo courtesy of Ryan Heiniger, CTIC.