The Monarch Joint Venture welcomes the DuPage Monarch Project to the partnership! The DuPage Monarch Project (DMP) is a county-wide organization made up of cities, park districts and associate members including garden clubs, businesses and churches engaged in monarch and pollinator conservation. They are a central hub for data on new and improved habitat and community engagement initiatives in DuPage County, Illinois.
DMP was established in 2015, as a collaboration of four local conservation organizations, including the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, River Prairie Group of the Illinois Sierra Club, The Conservation Foundation, and Wild Ones Greater DuPage Chapter. Since then, they have been asking cities, villages, and park districts to make a commitment to improving and increasing the amount of habitat available to monarchs and pollinators. In addition to being a convener of monarch conservation in DuPage County, the DMP provides engaging educational programs, supports habitat projects, and participates in community science, including the NRPA Bioblitz.
DMP envisions a county with healthy habitat for breeding and migrating monarchs and widespread awareness of the factors contributing to monarch decline, including loss of habitat through development and invasive species, impact of pesticides on pollinators, and changing weather patterns as a result of climate change. We are excited to bring them into the MJV partnership. To learn more about the DuPage Monarch Project, visit https://dupagemonarchs.com/
The Monarch Joint Venture is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Header photo courtesy of Therese Davis, Volunteer, DuPage Monarch Project.