We are excited to share that Conservation Blueprint has joined the partner network!
Conservation Blueprint provides vegetation design & management services, access to seed mixes, and other services to those wanting to plan, create, and maintain helpful wildlife and pollinator habitats. They specialize in creating effective vegetation management plans for utility-scale solar energy projects across the country, with some of the largest solar developers in the world, focusing on layering in pollinator health and habitat benefits into the projects. They also specialize in the collection of local ecotype wildflower seeds, making these hard-to-find and critical plant species more accessible. Conservation Blueprint designs custom seed mixes available for purchase and can assist with project design or habitat consultations.
Conservation Blueprint contributes significantly to monarch and pollinator conservation efforts in a variety of ways that include hands-on habitat consulting and increasing access to improved pollinator seed mixtures and educational resources. They bring that expertise to the solar energy industry by helping guide how those projects can be designed to include direct support for monarchs, other pollinator species and a wide range of environmental benefits. Conservation Blueprint is working hard to develop and provide access to a range of milkweed species that are often very limited in supply and hard to find. They currently provide access to the seed for 10 different local ecotype milkweed species.
Conservation Blueprint also brings a key understanding and history of building important and innovative partnerships that bring together diverse groups and interests to help solve important conservation issues. We are excited to welcome them into the network to bring increased access to solar developers and high-quality seed mixtures to partner organizations and beyond. For more information about Conservation Blueprint, please visit www.conservationblueprint.com.
The Monarch Joint Venture is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and a national partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch butterfly migration. The content in this article does not necessarily reflect the positions of all Monarch Joint Venture partners. Photo courtesy of Conservation Blueprint.