We are excited to announce the topics for the 2020 Monarch Conservation Webinar Series! The Monarch Joint Venture is partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center to put on another year full of informative and inspiring webinars on all things monarch.
Starting in February, webinars will be held live on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 2 PM Eastern Time. The November and December dates have been moved to avoid conflicting with major holidays. Each webinar will be recorded and available here for later viewing as well.
Check out the webinar titles and dates below, and click on a title to register!
February 25th - Monarchs in the Rough: Creating Habitat on Golf Courses
March 24th - Recovering America's Wildlife Act
April 28th - Research Reports from the Field: Western Population Research
May 26th - Research Reports from the Field: Monarch Biology and Milkweed
June 23rd - Monarch Conservation in Canada
July 28th - Research Reports from the Field: Habitat
August 25th - Best Management Practices for Monarchs and Other Pollinators on Rangelands
September 22nd - Lawns to Legumes: Policy in Place to Help Pollinators
October 27th - TBD (but you can still register so you don't miss it!)
November 17th - Farmers for Monarchs - Habitat Creation
December 15th - Fundraising for Monarchs
Please note this list is subject to change. Our events page will have the most up to date information on our webinar series, as well as a calendar of additional monarch-related events. Find it here.
We look forward to sharing this great series with you! Thank you for joining us.