Overview of Programs
To reach our nation’s ambitious monarch and habitat targets, commitment from a diverse set of stakeholders is required. The MJV works to recruit, educate, and inspire to action a broad spectrum of individuals and entities through the four pillars of our work:
- Habitat Conservation
- Education and Outreach
- Research and Monitoring
- Partnerships and Coordination
The Monarch Conservation Implementation Plan drives our work. This plan (updated annually) captures national objectives, actions, and priorities set forth by the MJV partnership in each of these areas.
To better facilitate coordination and cooperation across the United States, the MJV engages partners through working group conversations on different topics, hosts an annual meeting for information sharing and networking, and disseminates information in a variety of ways. The MJV staff team regularly engages partners working in their program areas to help advance our collective goals efficiently and effectively.
Select the appropriate page below to learn more about MJV and partnership initiatives in each of our program areas.
The MJV habitat program works on various habitat projects, including gardens, large-scale restoration projects, and collaborations with agriculture. Adding more habitat to the landscape helps monarchs, pollinators, and other wildlife species.
The MJV education program offers professional development workshops for educators, partners and other stakeholders; curated educational resources to share widely within and outside of the MJV partnership; webinars on the latest in monarch conservation; and local outreach to communities where MJV staff are based.
The MJV conducts and supports monarch monitoring programs, data analyses to help understand monarch conservation issues, and research to inform and improve the success of habitat restoration efforts.
In facilitating the Partner Network, MJV builds partnerships and collaboration to advance monarch conservation across the United States. We currently have more than 130 federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and academic programs working together to conserve the monarch migration.
Program Services
Monarch Joint Venture offers several services to aid in monarch conservation and education.
Prairie Oaks
Nestled on 20 scenic acres on the west side of Belle Plaine, MN, this property will serve as a hub for conservation, education, and research. With two houses, agricultural structures, and a restored prairie, it will provide a serene setting for hosting educational events, workshops, and MJV offices.
MJV – DoD Legacy Partnership
Programs aim to help DoD land managers maximize the use of their lands for training while considering the needs of this widespread at-risk species.