Familiarize yourself with monarch biology and conservation by exploring available online resources, consulting with regional monarch experts, or getting involved in a monarch monitoring program. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm for monarch conservation with those around you so they can enjoy these incredible insects.
We have compiled some of the best monarch educational resources on our downloads and links page. Explore these online resources (below) to learn about monarch biology, threats, and conservation needs. You can also find many valuable resources to educate the public about monarch conservation needs.
The Monarch Conservation Specialist group, founded by Monarch Watch, is an enthusiastic group of monarch conservation ambassadors. The group consists of regional experts from across the U.S. From giving local monarch presentations to advising citizens, land managers, and researchers; this group provides an invaluable educational resource for monarch conservation.
There are many opportunities for you to educate others about monarchs and advocate for monarch conservation. Provide your community with information about what they can do to help monarchs by giving presentations to local youth groups, garden clubs, or other organizations. If you participate in a citizen science monitoring project, get others involved by training them to collect data at their own site(s). Another way to educate others is to draw attention to your monarch habitat(s) by displaying educational signs or structures in your garden or habitat. Displays may inspire passers-by to participate in monarch monitoring or conservation activities of their own.
Downloads and Links
The Monarch Joint Venture and our partners have developed many resources that you can use to educate yourself and others about monarchs, milkweed, and creating habitat. Feel free to download and print any of these materials.
Signs and Displays
Looking for a sign to display in your garden, park, or habitat? These downloadable signs by MJV partner organizations can be used to educate your community about monarchs and milkweed.
Webinar Series
The Monarch Conservation Webinar series is a collaborative effort between Monarch Joint Venture Partners and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Conservation Training Center.
Monarch NECTAR Hub: a Network for Education on Conservation, Training, and Research
You will find courses about monarch butterflies and training to support the count of monarchs throughout all stages of their lives, all backed by the latest scientific research. Participants will be able to take courses and training on their own schedules but still have access to MJV staff for questions.