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Webinar: Monarch research and restoration highlights: Collaborations in the west

Join the Monarch Joint Venture for our monthly Monarch Conservation Webinar Series presented by Dr. Hillary Sardiñas, California Department of Fish and Wildlife

This presentation will review current western monarch-focused projects across the west, with a focus on California. Early season milkweed, fuel management in overwintering sites, and the use of the Motus to track monarch movement will be highlighted.

Bio: Dr. Hillary Sardiñas is the Pollinator Coordinator for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. She facilitates a multi-agency monarch collaborative as well as a monarch plant materials working group. She earned her PhD from UC Berkeley and went to undergrad at UC Santa Cruz, where she first saw monarchs overwintering at Natural Bridges State Park.

Event Date

07/23/2024, 01:00 PM CST

Event Location

Virtual Event


Monarch Joint Venture