Webinar: Climate and Pollinator Initiatives at the USDA
Join MJV for our monthly Monarch Conservation Webinar Series presented by Izzy Hill, USDA Pollinator Coordinator for the Office of the Chief
USDA has over 20 offices and 14 research labs working on pollinator initiatives, with climate being a top environmental stress of concern. This presentation will provide an overview of policy, programmatic, and research efforts happening across the Department and how they aim to help support long-term pollinator health.
Bio: Elizabeth (Izzy) Hill is the USDA Pollinator Coordinator for the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS). In this role, she promotes collaboration across USDA, federal agencies, the commercial pollinator industry, and USDA grant recipients. Izzy previously was an Agricultural Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist’s Office of Pest Management Policy, where among other duties, she examined the interface between the needs of agricultural pest management and pollinator protection.
Event Date
08/27/2024, 01:00 PM CST
Event Location
Virtual Event
Monarch Joint Venture