Hands-On Habitat Month
Want to get your hands dirty while helping with a local habitat project? Here’s your chance! Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever chapters across the country are hosting Hands-On Habitat Workdays throughout the month of May!
Habitat improvement is at the heart of the Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever mission. For the past two years, we have put out a call-to-action in the spring for our Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever community to help improve upland habitat in their local areas through Hands-On Habitat workdays.
Because of the success of those workdays and the positive impact on upland acres across the country, we are excited to bring back Hands-On Habitat Month again in 2024! This year, through a dedicated month of on-the-ground volunteerism and habitat projects, we’re once again challenging our chapters, volunteers, and supporters to find time during the month of May to host or participate in a project devoted to improving our upland landscapes.
Project Examples: Pollinator plantings, invasive species removal, tree/shrub planting, trash clean-up, sign restoration.
Have questions about hosting a Hands-On Habitat event? Please reach out to PFQF Habitat Education Programs Manager, Kim Cole at kcole@pheasantsforever.org for further assistance.