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Sheila Williams Ridge

Sheila Williams Ridge

Sheila Williams Ridge is the Director of the Shirley G. Moore Lab School at the University of Minnesota. She has a BA in Biology and a MA in Education, as well as experience as a business manager and preschool teacher/naturalist. She is a facilitator for the NAEYC Young Children and Nature Interest Forum, on the Voices and Choices coalition, a board member for the Minneapolis Nature Preschool, and a member of the Natural Start Alliance Council. She is co-author of the book, Nature-Based Learning for Young Children: Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Budget, published by Redleaf Press and is passionate about encouraging nature-based play and the lasting developmental benefits of a relationship between children and nature. She enjoys hiking, photography, camping, cooking, and gardening. Sheila has been raising monarchs and has been passionate about conservation for many years. She grew up in California and Las Vegas and currently lives in Roseville, MN. Sheila and her husband have four adult daughters.