Webinar Archive

The MJV works to assemble a series of webinars focusing on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation. To register for and see a list of our upcoming webinars, go to our events page. The webinars will be recorded and available for viewing after each is completed. The following webinars were recorded and available for viewing. Past webinars (before 2024) are also available on the NCTC website here. Please reach out to learn@monarchjointventure.org with questions.
Recovery of the Monarch Butterfly: Federal and State Legislation that Can Provide Hope for this Iconic AnimalOctober 10, 2021Scott Black, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Conservation of Monarchs in MexicoOctober 10, 2020Eduardo Rendón, World Wildlife Fund Mexico; Eligio García Serrano, Fondo Monarca
Lawns to Legumes: Policy in Place to Help PollinatorsSeptember 9, 2020Rick Hansen, MN State Representative; Dan Shaw, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources; Tara Perriello, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources
Out West: Western Monarch Conservation Efforts - Policy UpdateJune 6, 2020Amanda Barth, Utah Department of Natural Resources | Western Monarch Working Group; Cat Darst, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Steven Choy, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Iris Caldwell, University of Illinois-Chicago
Recovering America’s Wildlife ActMarch 3, 2020Naomi Edelson, National Wildlife Federation
Understanding the Endangered Species ActApril 4, 2018Karen Anderson, USFWS
On the Wings of MonarchsFebruary 2, 2018Wendy Caldwell, Monarch Joint Venture