My milkweed habitat should be mowed to cut back the woody vegetation that is encroaching. Is there a safe time to do this that will be less harmful to monarchs?
Yes! The MJV has a handout called Mowing: Best Practices for Monarchs. We used community science data and ground-tested it with researchers and volunteers across the country to come up with recommendations for times when management activities may be safer for monarchs. It is important to note that this handout looks strictly at monarchs, so if you have prioritized additional plant or animal species to protect at your site, make sure to consider timing that works best for all! Because monarch timing can vary slightly from one year to the next, it is also important to keep an eye on the status of the migration through Journey North to see how this year's timing might be different from other years. Most importantly, avoid mowing or disturbing the entire habitat at once so that you leave untouched areas for wildlife using the habitat to recolonize.